For Meg Smith, writing is a lifelong passion.
Her poetry and fiction have appeared in many literary journals, magazines, poetry sections
in newspapers, anthologies, and many more.
Originally from the greater Boston area, she has long made her home in Lowell, Mass.,
where she served on the board of Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! -- a festival honoring native
author, Jack Kerouac.
Her love of writing and telling a story led her to a career in journalism. The New England
Newspaper and Press Association has honored her work with several awards. These
include first-place awards for coverage of racial and ethnic issues, and coverage of religion.
She also has a passion for Middle Eastern dance, producing many events featuring both
dance and spoken word. She also served as a writer and columnist for the Middle Eastern
dance magazine, Jareeda, and as associate editor of Belly Dance New England.
Of her writing career, she says: "In writing, there is always something new to create, to be
created by, and to learn. It is a journey of many paths, always beckoning to discover."